Course Certification - Webflow Essentials with Merit

Course Syllabus

This online course provided essential skills in Webflow. Topics covered included – creating CSS classes and combo classes, CSS layouts, fonts and styles, color and using gradients, adding images and backgrounds, understanding units, responsive design for mobile, nav bar creation, hyper and anchor links, using designs from other software, creating forms, adding video, interactions and web page animation, dynamic content implementation including a CMS, blog, shopping cart and order forms, SEO, website testing and publishing. These skills have been demonstrated through completed course projects and knowledge quiz questions.

How our students earn certificates

Our students earn their certificates by watching a structured course syllabus of videos, following along with practical exercises and completing class projects. For some of our certificate levels, students also complete knowledge quizzes and final creative projects. Students are supported by our team of Teaching Assistants while they work towards their certificates and all submitted class projects are checked by our team before awarding the certificate.

About Bring Your Own Laptop

Bring Your Own Laptop is a world class learning platform for all. We specialise in courses for Adobe and other industry leading creative software. Our courses are created and delivered by Daniel Walter Scott, an authorized Adobe instructor & winner of 2 Adobe MAX awards as well as our approved creative partners.

"Here at Bring Your Own Laptop, I'm continually trying to make the world’s best courses for creatives and helping people become the best designers they can be."
- Daniel Walter Scott
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